Our Approach
Our Story
Quantified Design Solutions was started as a subsidiary of Newton Design, LLC. Newton Design has over 20 years of experience developing simulation and training equipment for the aviation industry, law enforcement, and the military. Serving as an industry leader for live training system development across these groups, the company needed to expand to meet additional training needs of customers. To respond to customer's changing training needs and expand their capability to include computer-based, virtual, and augmented training systems, Quantified Design Solutions was started as an advanced research and development partner company to integrate those capabilities into their current training portfolio.
In addition to enhancing Newton's current training systems, Quantified Design was also developed to expand training system offerings into the medical domain and provide training and acquisition support services for government and commercial clients.
Our Story
Our Approach
Quantified Design Solutions approaches all projects with the goal of producing measurable improvements for all stakeholders and customers. We leverage a balanced approach of applied research and needs-driven development to optimize military, aviation, medical, commercial and educational training system and support system design.
We are passionate about applying cutting edge research and technology to optimize human performance. We are driven by the opportunity to create systems that have a profound impact on training and performance.

Quantified Design Solutions Leadership

Jeff Newton
Founder & President
Jeff Newton is a co-founder and President of Quantified Design Solutions. Jeff has a passion for simulation and hardware system design and manufacturing and has demonstrated this through his leadership of Newton Design, where he serves as President. In the 10 years that Jeff has been leading Newton Design, the company has become an industry leader in the development of aircraft cabin, federal law enforcement, and military training simulators. The simulators that he has designed serve as a key reconfigurable testing system for the FAA, as well as force-on-force training platforms for multiple federal and international law enforcement groups. Jeff's long history in the training design community provides key manufacturing partnerships and his ongoing roll at Newton Design provides a direct rapid prototyping partnership for advanced training system development.

David Jones
Founder and Vice President- Research and Development
David Jones is the Vice President of Research and Development and co-founder of Quantified Design Solutions. He is passionate about creating innovative solutions to meet customer goals, whether designing training systems or support systems. David holds a M.S in Industrial Engineering from the University of Central Florida and a B.S. in Human Factors Psychology from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He has built on this education with 15 years of research in learning science, training system design and evaluation, advanced human-machine interaction, and human state measurement. He blends this research background with his industrial engineering and computer science training to create systems that lead to profound performance impacts in defense, medical, and education domains. David has led and supported research and development efforts for military, medical, and commercial groups, including the Navy, Army Research Lab, Army Medical Research and Material Command, PEO STRI, NASA, DARPA, and Fortune 500 companies.
Working With Quantified Design Solutions
If you would like to work with our team or know more about what Quantified Design can do for you, contact us. We look forward to working with you.